How to get involved in the planning of Hinckley and Bosworth

We can notify you of future Local Plan consultations

We have a contact list for anyone who wants us to keep them informed of consultations and to notify them of formal points in the process when they can have their say.

If you are on this list, known as the Local Plan database, you can let us know your views about how policies are developing before they are formally considered for examination or adoption.

If you aren’t already on this contact list and would like to be added, you can get in touch to register your interest. Send us your contact details and reference the Local Plan database. You can either do this online by completing our Planning Policy contact form or you can post your details to:

Planning Policy
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
Hinckley Hub
Rugby Road
LE10 0FR

Last updated: ‎03/01/2025 11:42