Infrastructure Capacity Study


The Infrastructure Capacity Study Phase 1 Baseline Capacity Assessment provides the baseline context for existing infrastructure capacity in Hinckley and Bosworth. It provides an understanding of infrastructure services, networks and facilities in the borough, and identifies existing capacity surpluses and deficits on a borough-wide and, where possible, on a settlement-by-settlement basis. The study identifies how these infrastructure capacity constraints might have implications for future development growth. The study will be used to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan for Hinckley and Bosworth and as part of the Development Management process, to underpin future negotiations for developer contributions and their ongoing monitoring through the use of an Infrastructure Funding Statement: Infrastructure Capacity Study Phase 1 Baseline Capacity Assessment (PDF)

The Council is currently preparing phase two of the study – the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule. Phase two will set out further detail on the infrastructure requirements to support the delivery of the preferred Local Plan growth strategy.

Last updated: ‎01/08/2023, 09:36