Heritage Strategy 2018 to 2023

What's it all about?

The borough has a unique and distinctive heritage which is required to be preserved and enhanced for present and future generations. To ensure this requirement is achieved, the council has drafted a heritage strategy to guide conservation and heritage activities in the borough over the next five years

The strategy provides a vision and key aims and objectives for the borough’s heritage. It is supported by a detailed background and action plan document which:

  • Reviews the national and local heritage context
  • Summarises key issues and challenges for the heritage sector and service delivery
  • Sets out detailed actions and initiatives to achieve the aims and objectives of the strategy

To achieve these aims, the strategy promotes a holistic and joined up approach to the management of the borough’s heritage. Its delivery will require the council to work in partnership with its partners and key stakeholders.

Views from national and local heritage organisations, relevant stakeholders, borough residents, borough council members and departments informed the drafting of both documents following direct consultation and two stakeholder workshops held in the summer of 2017.

Download the Heritage Strategy documents:

For more information relating to this consultation process, please complete our conservation contact form or telephone 01455 238141 and ask for the Conservation Officer.

Last updated: 03/01/2025 11:30