Domestic abuse help

Therapeutic courses

The Domestic Abuse Outreach Service offers therapeutic, trauma-informed groups to women who have experienced domestic abuse within their relationship(s). The groups are designed to:

  • Help deal with what has been experienced
  • Help regain control of their lives
  • Offer new coping strategies for moving forward

We offer various groups. To refer someone to a group, or to get referred to a group, contact the Domestic Abuse Outreach Service by telephone or completing our contact form.

You can find these details below. You can also complete our outreach referral form by visiting support for domestic abuse.

Referrals can be accepted by survivors or by professionals with consent.

Freedom programme

This is a 12-week programme which looks in depth at domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships. The aim of the programme is to help survivors make sense of what they have experienced, to regain control of their lives and feel empowered. Also, hopefully, to recognise traits/early warning signs in any future relationships to prevent entering another abusive relationship.

Recovery toolkit

This group is not recommended for those who are still in their abusive relationship.

This 12-week programme assists women that have experienced domestic abuse/violence and are in a position to take part in a group designed to help them in looking at ways to develop positive lifestyle coping strategies.

The aim of the group is to recognise the impact of domestic abuse upon survivors and the tremendous effort it takes to keep themselves and their families as safe as possible, whilst helping survivors to acknowledge that coping strategies used under duress may not be helpful in their recovery and new life that is now free of abuse.

Some of the things we work on are:

  • Self-esteem and confidence building
  • Setting boundaries
  • Being assertive
  • Healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Automatic negative thinking
  • Being angry
  • Our psychological wellbeing
  • Looking theoretically at abuse


This Is a six-week programme which focusses on self-esteem and confidence as well as core beliefs and values. 

The aim of Unbreakable is to look at the inner critic of survivors, automatic thoughts, beliefs, and values that have been consciously and subconsciously learned or taken on, focus on wellbeing, self-care, positive thinking as well as looking at setting achievable goals for the future – along with how to make these happen. 

Healing Together by Innovating Minds 

We offer two trauma-informed programmes; both are held as six-week programmes. 

One is for a child and/or a young person only, the other is for a proactive, safe, parent/carer with a child/young person.

The Healing Together programmes provide support for young people (six to sixteen years) who have been impacted by domestic abuse.

The aim of the programme is to help support children and young people to learn how their body and brain can work together to help them feel safe and calm. Children will not be asked to talk about their experiences of domestic abuse.    

For further information:

  • Complete our domestic abuse contact form 
  • Telephone: call or text 07966202181
  • Telephone: 01455 238141 and ask for the Domestic Abuse Outreach service

Last updated: 03/11/2023 09:08