National register of taxi licence refusals and revocations
The National Register (NR3)
Why has the register been set up?
The Local Government Association (LGA), the representative body for local councils, commissioned a new national register of taxi licence refusals and revocations (NR3). The register is hosted by the National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN). The intention is to prevent drivers who have had a hackney carriage or private hire licence revoked or an application for one refused, going to another council to dishonestly obtain a licence by failing to disclose their previous licensing history. It is hoped that use of the register will improve public safety and confidence in hackney carriage and private hire licensing.
How will the register work – what information will be recorded?
When a council revokes a licence, or refuses an application for one, it will record this information on the National register (NR3). The information recorded will be limited to:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Address and contact details
- National insurance number
- Driving licence number
- Decision taken
- Date of decision
- Date decision effective
Licensing authorities (local councils) will then search the register when they are processing new applications or renewals. Where they find a match for their applicant on NR3, they will contact the licensing authority that recorded the entry to get more information, which, if shared, will then be used to help reach a decision on the application.
Will I automatically be refused a licence if I am on the register?
Licensing authorities are legally required to consider each licence application on its own merits and cannot refuse an application simply because an applicant may be recorded on NR3. The purpose of NR3 is to ensure that licensing authorities have the full information necessary to help them reach a decision on whether an individual is fit and proper. If circumstances have materially changed since the decision that has been recorded on NR3, it may be appropriate for another licensing authority to award a licence.
The Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022
From the 27 April 2023, all licensing authorities will be required to input into a central database, instances where the authority has refused, suspended, chosen not to renew or revoked a taxi or PHV driver’s licence.
This will be based wholly, or in part, on information relating to the driver, concerning safeguarding or road safety.
What counts as safeguarding and road safety concerns?
The act defines the information that would constitute a safeguarding and road safety concern, and states that this would include information indicating that the person:
- Committed a sexual offence (regardless of whether the person was charged with, prosecuted for or convicted of the offence)
- Harassed another person
- Caused physical or psychological harm to another person
- Committed an offence that involves a risk of causing physical or psychological harm to another person (regardless of whether the person was charged with, prosecuted for or convicted of the offence)
- Committed an offence under section 165, 168 or 170 of the Equality Act 2010 (regardless of whether the person was charged with, prosecuted for or convicted of the offence)
- Did anything that constitutes unlawful discrimination or victimisation against another person for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010
- Threatened, abused or insulted another person
- Poses a risk to road safety while driving
- May be unsuitable to hold a taxi or PHV driver’s licence for other reasons related to the safeguarding of passengers or road safety
Attempting to, or conspiring to commit the above offences also constitutes a valid safeguarding or road safety concern.
Before a licensing authority in England decides whether to grant or renew a driver licence, it must search the database for any entry relating to the applicant.
Can I find out if my details are on the NR3?
Individuals whose details are added to NR3 will be notified of this by the council when they are advised of the decision to refuse or revoke a licence.
Outside of these times, an individual can make a subject access request (SAR) for any of their personal data held on NR3.
The ‘data controller’ in respect of this data is the council who added the record to the NR3 register, this is who you should contact and submit a SAR to in the first instance.
The National Anti-Fraud Network as the data processor (the organisation storing the data), will fulfil this request.
More information on data protection
How long will details be held on NR3 for?
Data will be retained on the register for 25 years.
Last updated: 05/06/2024 15:33