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Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk of harm or abuse

Safeguarding adults


On 1 April 2015, safeguarding adults became a statutory requirement. The Care Act 2014 outlines the duties and responsibilities of the safeguarding board, the local authority and partner agencies.

Safeguarding adults means helping those who are at risk or need support from community care services to keep their independence or remain safe. Partner agencies from the statutory, voluntary and independent sector come together to seek assurance that the persons thought to be at risk stay safe, are effectively safeguarded against abuse, neglect, discrimination, are treated with dignity and respect and enjoy a high quality of life.

At the heart of the procedures are the principles of 'making safeguarding personal', which places people’s experience and desired outcomes at the centre of all adult safeguarding.

Leicestershire County Council is the lead agency in relation to safeguarding adults. Please visit Social Services ( for more information, or alternatively talk to a carer, doctor or another professional who would be willing to give support, advice and information.

If you are worried about an adult and think that they need help, you can contact Adult Social Care on 0116 305 0004 for advice.

If you feel that you or someone you know is in immediate danger or is in harm, call the police on 999. If you feel you need help but it is not an emergency, you can use the police 101 number.

The police have powers to check on an adult if they feel that there is a reason to be worried about their wellbeing.

Last updated: 31/05/2023 10:19