Higham-on-the Hill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) - application for designation


Higham-on-the Hill Parish Council has submitted an application to undertake a Neighbourhood Development Plan following the Higham-on-the Hill parish boundary, excluding a small section to the east of the parish which is to be included in the proposed Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan area.
In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, we are publicising the Parish Council’s application. The application contains:
  • A map which identifies the area
  • A statement which explains why the area is appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area
  • A statement from the Parish Council explaining why they are an appropriate body to produce the neighbourhood plan

A consultation on the proposed neighbourhood area ran for six weeks from Friday 15 April 2016 through to 5pm on Friday 27 May 2016.

Last updated: 22/04/2024 08:38