Reducing food waste
Reducing household food waste
Why reduce food waste?
As it stands, households within the UK generate 60% of food waste, of which 4.7 billion tonnes could have been consumed, the equivalent of eight meals a week. This food waste accounts for 18 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere that in turn exacerbates climate change. Let’s look at how we can play our part in reducing food waste to protect the planet and in turn save some pennies.
10 tips for households:
- Take stock of what is already in your fridge and cupboards
- Meal plan, accordingly, using up what you already have
- Only buy what you need, don’t be drawn into offers of items that aren’t on your list
- Check your fridge temperature, it should be between zero to five degrees celcius
- Use your fridge wisely, some items are best stored outside of the fridge such as bread, bananas, potatoes and onions (prefer dark location)
- Remove fruits and vegetables from plastic packaging, they tend to sweat, making them go off quickly
- Batch cooking is more efficient, meals can be prepared for packed lunches and/or frozen down for a cost effective 'ready meal'
- Don’t have space to freeze leftovers, make sure you cook only what you need by measuring out portions
- Understanding dates on packaging. If you aren’t going to eat an item within the use by date, freeze it as soon as possible, check the label. Best before dates refer to quality, use your senses: look-smell-taste. Again, if you can, freeze it to prolong shelf life
- Share leftover food with family, friends and neighbours
For more information and resources please visit love food, hate waste (
Last updated: 02/09/2024 11:32