Local Plan review 2020 to 2041

Sustainability appraisal

What was it all about?

Development plans such as Hinckley & Bosworth Borough’s emerging Local Plan are subject to a process called sustainability appraisal. The sustainability appraisal assesses the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the plan’s proposals.

We prepared the following documents as part of the sustainability appraisal process.

How we involved you

Between Friday 27 November 2020 and Friday 15 January 2021, we asked you for your comments on the sustainability appraisal consultation. Comments received help shape the process and feed into the development of the emerging Local Plan.

You can still read the documents, but you won’t be able to comment on this stage:

The sustainability appraisal assesses the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the plan’s proposals. This appraisal assesses the draft spatial vision and objectives, and spatial options set out in the Scope, Issues and Options Paper consulted on in 2018. We sought views on the appraisal to feed into the preparation of the emerging Local Plan.

The purpose of this assessment is to determine whether the emerging Local Plan is likely to have significant effects on nature conservation sites within and in proximity of the borough and ensure that appropriate consideration is given to their protection.

Sets out the methodology of how potential land allocations will be assessed through the preparation of the Sustainability Appraisal and emerging Local Plan

Linked to the site assessment methodology, this sets out the criteria against which potential land allocations will be assessed.

Last updated: 24/09/2024 16:50