Licensing Act 2003 - Right to work/immigration status
Guidance notes
How to prove your right to work
Applicants for premises licences, transfer of premises and personal licences must demonstrate that they have the right to work in the United Kingdom and are not subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensing activity. This applies for individual applicants and applications from partnerships which are not limited liability partnerships.
This can be done by either providing with your application copies or scanned copies of the documents (which do not need to be certified) which demonstrate your right to work in the UK or by providing a ‘share code’ to enable the licensing authority to carry out a check using the Home Office online right to work checking service.
More information: Prove your right to work (GOV.UK)
Please contact Licensing if you have any questions.
Last updated: 07/05/2024 15:26