How to register a food premises

About registration of a food business

What is registration?

You are required by law to register your food establishment. There is a penalty fine of up to £5,000 for not registering your food business.

Registration is necessary so that we have up-to-date information on your food premises. This way, our Environmental Health (Commercial) officers can visit and carry out inspections.

Food registration is not a form of licensing and does not give approval to trade.

Who needs to register?

If you run a food business, you must register the business. This includes market stalls, delivery vehicles and other mobile catering vehicles which sell food. 

If you have one or more vehicles but no permanent premises, the business must be registered in the district or borough (for example, Hinckley and Bosworth, Blaby) where the vehicles are normally kept overnight. 

 A food business can:

  • Be for profit or not for profit
  • Be large or small (for example a home caterer)
  • Be related to any stage of production, processing and distribution of food

How much does it cost?

There is no charge to register your business

When you need to register

Anyone starting a new food business must register at least 28 days before opening. Once you have registered, you will only need to tell us:

  • When there is a change of ownership
  • If the nature of your business changes
  • If there is a change of address at which any moveable premises (such as mobile catering vans) are kept

Any new owner will have to complete a new application form.

Who is exempt?

Generally, the only food premises that are exempt from registration are:

  • Those used for domestic preparation of food for consumption in the home
  • Certain agricultural premises

Use our Environmental Health contact form if you think you may be exempt.

The register

We are required by law to maintain a register of food establishments. For each business, this register shows:

  • The name of the business
  • The business address
  • The type of business

When you register your business with us, only the above details will be made available to the public. No other information you provide when you register will be publicly available. 

The register of food establishments can be viewed and inspected at the Hinckley Hub on request.

A copy of your completed registration form will be sent to any other enforcement agency who may have a food enforcement role in relation to your business. For example, Trading Standards at Leicestershire County Council or another environmental health service.

Last updated:‎ ‎23‎/‎07‎/‎2024‎ ‎12‎:‎29‎