Microchipping your dog
Microchipping service for dogs

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's Dog Warden Service has a microchipping service for your dog. It costs £20 if you come to one of our microchipping events, or £50.86 if you have a home visit from our dog warden.
It is against the law for a dog to be in a public place if it's not wearing a collar with identification (its owner's name and address). Since 6 April 2016, dogs must be microchipped by law, or their owners run the risk of a £500 fine.
Thousands of owners have now taken positive steps to ensure their much loved companion can also be identified through microchip technology. According to figures from the Dogs Trust (dogstrust.org.uk), over four million dogs and cats have been microchipped since microchipping was introduced in 1989. This number continues to grow at an estimated 8,000 registrations per week.
Microchipping is now recognised as the most effective and secure way of permanently identifying a pet. A unique identification number is registered to the animal and the owner's details are placed on a national database.
It is estimated that less than half of all dogs that go missing each year are reunited with their owners. Getting your dog microchipped gives the assurance that should they become lost (or be stolen) they are more likely to be returned to you safe and sound.
If you would like to discuss our microchipping service complete the Environmental Health contact form
Cancelling an appointment
For more information see cancellation of services
Last updated: 29/03/2024 12:09