More about business recycling and refuse services

Hinckley BID (Business Improvement District)

Hinckley Town Centre

In partnership with Hinckley BID the council provide a free recycling service for town centre businesses. BID members can recycle:

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Mixed plastics (excludes polystyrene, film, bags and rigid plastics) 

Collections are weekly. Bags (which are free) are available from the BID office at 76 Castle Street, Hinckley LE10 1DD, telephone 01455 698494 or visit Hinckley BID (

Trade waste bags

Businesses in Hinckley town centre can buy trade waste bags if they do not have space for a wheeled bin. Bags are available in packs of 25. Collections are made on request.

For more information contact Waste Services.

Last updated: 27/09/2024 13:43