Shopping & Shop Fronts Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Shopping and shop fronts

The Shopping & Shop Fronts Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides supplementary guidance on the following saved Local Plan 2001 policies in relation to retail development:

  • BE1 - Design and siting of development
  • BE9 - Shop fronts in conservation areas
  • BE10 - Shop security in conservation areas
  • BE11 - Advertisements in conservation areas
  • Retail 2 - Primary shopping frontages, Hinckley town centre
  • Retail 3 - Secondary shopping frontages, Hinckley town centre
  • Retail 4 - Other shopping areas, Hinckley town centre
  • Retail 6 - Shop fronts
  • Retail 8 - Change from retail use within local centres

The Shopping & Shop Fronts SPD was adopted by council on 30 October 2007, following public consultation between Thursday 5 April and Monday 21 May 2007, replacing the council's previous Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), adopted in January 2003.

Last updated: ‎20/12/2024 10:26