Snap Dragon Children’s Festival returns to Argents Mead for 10th anniversary with guest visit from TV’s Pip and Posy

THE Popular Snap Dragon Children and Families Festival is back with three fun filled days in Hinckley's Argents Mead with a special visit from TV stars of Milkshake and Sky Kids Pip and Posy.
The festival takes place from Wednesday 2 August to Friday 4 August 2023 from 11am to 3pm each day and is free to attend with no booking necessary. Each day of the festival features a different theme with Wednesday celebrating National Play Day, Thursday – Play, re-use and recycle and Friday –it’s Snappy’s 10th Birthday Party, as Snap Dragon celebrates its 10-year anniversary.
Every day for free children can enjoy a traditional day at the seaside in the giant sand pit part sponsored by Hinckley BID. There is a chance to meet Snappy, the Festival’s dragon mascot, have your photo taken on our giant deckchair, groove in the Snappy disco provided by Fosse 107, join a music and movement session with Jo Jingles, play in the games garden or bring a teddy and enjoy a teddy bear’s picnic at one of the many picnic benches under our pagodas. Plus enjoy a dedicated craft station which is being looked after by the United Reform Church, visit ‘well-being woods’ where children can learn about the ‘5 ways to well-being’ with our council health ambassadors or have-a-go at a new sport in our sports zone run by Hinckley & Bosworth Sport and Health Alliance.
The themed events for each day are as follows:
Wednesday 3 August is National Play Day. Come and say hello to TV stars Pip and Posy, from Magic Light Pictures’ hugely popular and award-winning animated pre-school series on Milkshake! and Sky Kids. Pip and Posy are the best of friends whose lives revolve around a wonderful world of play. Packed with warmth and humour, the series is full of laughter and games, and the challenges that friendship’s journey brings. Pip and Posy will be appearing throughout the day, with exciting goodies and activities for all those attending. Alongside this everyone can laugh along to the free Punch and Judy show, listen to a story from Tom the Tale Teller in the story telling tent. Children can also take part in a dhol percussion and bhangra dance workshop with Jodi dancers, meet with Leicestershire Police or have fun in the role play village and tuff tray corner. Hinckley District Scout’s will also be bringing along their climbing wall. To take part in this activity a minimum donation of £1 per person per climb is required (cash only) all donations go to the scouts.
Thursday 3 August – Play, re-use and recycle. The whole family can learn a bit more about re-cycling with litter picking races and a fun recycling activity run by the council’s waste and recycling team. Hinckley Fixers will be on hand for any toy repairs – so bring along your broken toys to be repaired. They will show how to fix mechanical and battery-powered toys but unfortunately cannot repair mains voltage equipment at this event. Children can get creative in the junk modelling yard, watch a mascot race, take part in a willow weaving workshop, use a giant colouring pad and there will be a hoop guy show. The council’s Green Spaces team will be there with a build-a-bug-box activity, this costs £5 per box, cash only.
Friday 4 August is Snappy’s 10th Birthday Party. This is a great opportunity to get dressed up for the day, join in our fancy dress costume competition (winners announced at 12.30pm). Children of all ages can enjoy a free magic show, learn to juggle or plate spin at a circus workshop, meet Leicestershire Fire and Rescue (subject to emergency call out) as well as some special costume characters. Youngsters are invited to bring a swimming costume and have a go on the water slide and there will be several small children’s fairground rides (a small charge will be made, cash only). Concluding the event sing happy birthday to Snappy and join in with some party games.
An Information Stand will be located at the flagpole and children can pick up a free trail sheet or bug hunting kit. There will be a free water re-fill station available for anyone who comes to the event with their own re-useable drinks bottle, alternatively Snap Dragon drinks bottles or squash can be purchased as well as Snap Dragon t-shirts for children (cash only).
Each day there will be different stalls selling a range of items from bath-bombs to dog treats as well organisations such as Hinckley Library, Flutterbies Pre-School and Places for Leisure offering fun free activities for youngsters. Local charities Islastones Foundation, community pet food bank and Platform Thirty1 will also be in attendance.
Executive Member for Culture, Deputy Leader Councillor Mark Bools said:
I am delighted that now in its 10th year the Snap Dragon Family Festival continues to support families and children with a huge amount of fun, in a safe environment. Appreciating that family days out can be expensive; I hope that as many people as possible can join us at these events and have a fantastic time.
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