Heritage Open Days return for 2024

History enthusiasts and families are once again invited to a series of Heritage Open Days across the borough this September.
The free event returns from Friday 6 September until Sunday 22 September, with local highlights including a walking tour through Hinckley’s historic buildings, an exhibition of old photos and a series of ‘have a go’ events at Argents Mead.
Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of culture and history and aims to open up access and insight to buildings not generally seen by the general public.
This year’s events in the borough include:
Atkins Heritage Tour, Atkins Building, Lower Bond Street, Hinckley - Saturday 7 September: 10am -12 noon. Historic Hinckley buildings walking tour, that all have a connection to the notable Atkins hosiery family.
Great Meeting Unitarian Chapel records when the first Atkins (Robert) arrived in Hinckley in 1722 to start his business. The Atkins family continued their connection with the chapel into the 20th century.
Atkins Building, the Victorian hosiery factory built by the descendants of 1722 Robert Atkins where manufacture continued by the family until 2002.
Hinckley & District Museum, a thatched framework knitters cottage the predecessor to the factory and was previously owned by the Atkins Family.
To book a FREE place on this three building tour please email info@atkinsbuilding.co.uk. The tour begins at Hinckley & District Museum meeting at 10am for guest registration.
Local History Photos and Information, Castle Street Hinckley, Saturday 7 September, 10am to 4pm
Hinckley District Past and Present will have a stand on Castle Street within Hinckley Market showing local Hinckley History, with display boards showing photos and members of the group to talk to members of the public.
Medieval Activities, Argents Mead, Hinckley, Saturday 21 September, 11am – 4pm.
Free activities for the whole family including ‘have a go archery’. There will also be a medieval encampment, fashion show as well as skirmishing – hand to hand medieval combat – throughout the day. There will also be a Shire Court and myth busters plus an array of Medieval craft activities on offer.
Hinckley and District Museum, Lower Bond Street, Hinckley, Saturday 7, Monday 9 and Saturday 14 September 10am to 4pm and Sunday 15 September 2pm – 5pm.
Visit the thatched timber box framed cottages dating from the 1680s, housing a local history museum of Hinckley and the surrounding area. See the "secret" cottage garden, with Fairtrade drinks available.
‘Old fashioned’ toys to play with, and children's dressing up area too. No booking required.
Atkins Gallery, Atkins Building, Then and Now Exhibition and Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society Anniversary Exhibition, Lower Bond Street, Hinckley, Friday 6 to Friday 20 September, free admission. There are two exhibitions to enjoy in the Atkins Gallery this year; the Atkins exhibition documents the journey of Atkins Building from Victorian hosiery factory to the creative business centre it is today with images from Atkins Building archive and Hinckley & District Museum. Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society (LRFHS) are celebrating their 50-year anniversary in 2024 by hosting an exhibition in Atkins Gallery. LRFHS has a large membership and has the capacity to offer a wide range of services and activities to assist family history historians and researchers.
Atkins Gallery is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm - look out for additional evenings and weekend viewings.
Deputy Leader at the Borough Council, Cllr Mark Bools, said: “I am very pleased to see this event return this year.
“The Hinckley and Bosworth area has so much history and culture to offer, and the festival provides an interesting insight to the hidden history of our older buildings and the opportunity to have a really good look around many of them, while exploring different areas of our borough at the same time.”
To complete Hinckley’s Heritage offering, on Sunday 15 September throughout Hinckley town centre, hundreds of rare classic vehicles have already entered Hinckley BID’s 13th Annual Motorshow.
Open from 10am to 4.30pm, this show is free to attend and enter.
Fun for all the family and to appeal to all age groups, there will also be some sought-after, top-of-the range modern vehicles including both luxury and sports. All events are free to attend, booking required only where stated.
For more details of all participating venues, visit heritage open days (heritageopendays.org.uk)
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