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Council maintains one of the lowest Council Tax rates in the country

Published Friday, 25 February 2022
Pie chart: how every pound collected is distributed. Leicestershire County Council 73.3p; Police & Crime Commissioner 12.9p; Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council 7.3p; Combined fire authority 3.6p, and parishes 2.9p

The Borough Council is to increase its council tax charge for 2022/23 by £5 following a decision of the full council at its budget-setting meeting on Tuesday 22 February 2022. 

This means the average Band D council tax (including the Special Expense Area) for Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council will increase to a charge of £144.87 for the 2022/23 financial year, the lowest in Leicestershire and anticipated to be the fifteenth lowest in England, and certainly within the lowest quartile.

This figure will be supplemented by the charges levied by Leicestershire County Council (1,452.96), the Police and Crime Commissioner (£258.23) and the Fire Authority (£74.29).

Overall, this increase in council tax and the other measures set out in the council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy enable the council to plan with more certainty and to operate a balanced budget.

Residents are reminded they can pay their bill annually, half-yearly or monthly. In a full year the monthly instalments will normally be paid from April to January, however residents can also opt to pay their council tax over 12 instalments if they prefer.

Councillor Keith Lynch, Executive Member responsible for Finance, said:

At this time when the country is hopefully beginning to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, and while many are still suffering financial hardship, the last thing that this council wants to do is another increase in the council tax. But further reductions in government support grants have put yet more pressure on the council’s finances forcing us to raise the borough council tax by £5 a year (10p a week) to try to maintain our present level of public services. I am pleased to be able to say that even after the increase the Hinckley and Bosworth council tax will still be the lowest in Leicestershire and among the lowest in the country.