Local plan review 2020 to 2041

About the review

It's important to make sure we have an up-to-date local plan so that planning decisions can be made with local people having a say on setting local policies. This is vital to balance our desire to develop the areas where we live and work whilst ensuring our natural environment is protected where it’s needed. The Local Plan overall considers the sustainable needs of future and existing communities. Local plans must be positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

We are currently working on a new Local Plan which will set out land allocations and planning policies for the period 2020 to 2041.

Live consultations:

You can also view the previous consultations we’ve held on the Local Plan on the following pages.

Past consultations

Next steps

The previous Local Development Scheme (LDS), approved at Full Council on 13 December 2022, has now been superseded.

An updated LDS was published on 8 February 2024. The updated LDS revises the timetable for production of the emerging Local Plan and establishes key milestones for public consultations.

For more information on the LDS and the proposed timetable for the Local Plan, see Local Development Scheme.

Last updated: 25/07/2024 10:18