Managing waste in businesses and tenanted properties

Tenanted properties

Each year we investigate over 180 complaints about domestic waste causing a nuisance or attracting pests. Many of these complaints are about waste from tenanted properties. Tenants and landlords have a duty of care to take all reasonable steps to keep their waste safe. If tenants and landlords allow domestic waste to build up, legal action under public health and anti-social behaviour legislation can be taken against a tenant and the landlord. A notice can be served asking for the removal of the waste and if it isn't removed it can result in prosecution or a fixed penalty notice of £100.

Disposal and storage of waste

If you give your waste to someone else to dispose of you must be sure that they are authorised to take it and can transport, recycle or dispose of it safely. Waste should not be deposited in or on any land (fly-tipping) unless a permit from the Environment Agency has been granted.


  • Domestic waste should be placed in bins provided by the council and left out for collection on the allocated collection date. Find out the collection dates for your household waste
  • It is your landlord's responsibility to make sure that you have appropriate bins for your property, so you should contact them if you don't have any
  • It is your landlord's responsibility to remove the waste of former tenants


  • Landlords can help by placing waste associated clauses on tenancy agreements and enforcing them if they get complaints
  • As the owner of a premises, under public health and anti-social behaviour legislation, you have the ultimate responsibility for the removal of waste from the premises. This includes waste left by former tenants
  • Housing legislation requires the provision of suitable refuse facilities for the safe and hygienic storage and disposal of household waste. If a landlord fails to do this it can result in prosecution

Last updated:‎ ‎16‎/‎07‎/‎2024‎ ‎16‎:‎12‎