How to do business with the council
How we buy
This section provides details on the various factors which influence how Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council buys its goods, works and services. The council works within the regulatory framework provided by EU and UK Law, central government initiatives and our own finance and contract procedure rules.
The thresholds shown below govern contracts that are competitively tested by the council. Both our internal finance and contract procedure rules and EU Law determine the procedures followed for different value purchases.
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council’s terms and conditions, financial procedure rules and associated processes govern our purchase orders and invoicing arrangements. Before you undertake any business for the council, you must have received a formal purchase order or contract award letter either in hard copy or electronic form.
Please ensure that the official order number is quoted on any invoice you submit and the description is identical to that from the official order. The 30 day cycle for payment by the council will not start until an invoice containing a formal purchase order number is received at the correct billing address.
We are committed to ensuring all invoices are processed more efficiently and your support in adhering to this process will facilitate this. Please see the terms and conditions of how to undertake any business for the council on in this page.
Last updated: 15/05/2024 10:33