Hinckley market licence conditions, procedures and charter
Market rent charging and allocation procedure
This procedure aims to ensure the following:
- That stalls are allocated in an ethical and fair manner
- That income collection from stallholders is auditable and transparent
- That rent is charged as per pricing structure contained with the council’s fees and charges
- Seek a reduction in the number of stalls that are erected without being utilised
- The Markets Manager will charge rent for a market pitch at the current full rent approved by Council
- There are certain pitches that are located in less favourable trading positions. These being pitches located above 56 Castle Street (Age UK) towards London Road, Hinckley and those located below the Market Place along Regent Street or in The Borough, Hinckley. Refer to zone 1 and 2 in Appendix A: Hinckley market zone map. In these circumstances, the trader will be charged half the current full rent approved by Council.
- A pitch shall be used by the trader with a council stall, provide his/her own stall or trade without a stall. So long as the area occupied by the stall(s) is equivalent to the normal pitch size in that location, a trader may trade from any facet of that pitch at the current rent approved by Council
- Traders will need to store/sell their goods within the confines of their pitch area and should not utilise walkways or areas of the public highway as storage. If additional storage is required then an adjacent pitch should be utilised and the trader charged the current full rent approved by Council
- The Markets Manager has the discretion on market days to ensure vacant stalls are allocated to suitable casual traders, thereby maximising the use of pitches but without detriment to the town or market generally. In these circumstances, the trader will be charged the current full rent approved by Council
- Due to the absence of a licensed trader (those who have already pre-paid) through illness or other unforeseen event, the Markets Manager has the discretion to allocate the vacant pitch at half the normal charge to a current adjacent trader in order that the market appears vibrant and full. This would be additional income to the authority
- The Markets Manager will be responsible for ensuring that traders are directed and positioned to these vacant pitches in an equitable manner
- No market stalls will be allocated free of charge, except for registered charity stalls and other partner services. These registered charities and other partner services must fill out an application form and send it to Cultural Services for acceptance
- New traders are given a discretionary eight weeks half rent to help them get started (exclusions apply). This is to attract more stalls to the market to maximise the profitability. The Markets Manager may use his/her discretion in regard to extending this half rent period.
Hinckley Town Centre market stalls allocation pricing zones
- Zone 1 = full price
- Zone 2 = half price
Further information:
Last updated: 04/12/2023 08:54