About freedom of information requests
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 promotes openness in government and came into force on 1 July 2005. Under the act, you have a general right of access to all types of information held by us. The act also places a number of obligations on public authorities, including this council.
Things you can do:
Browse our website for the information you are interested in
View our publication scheme for the information you are interested in
Make an FOI request in writing for information that you have not found available on this website or in our publication scheme
Ask for an internal review if you are not happy with the outcome of a request and if still not happy after a review you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
Ask us for advice by contacting the Information Governance Officer via our information governance contact form
Our main obligations
We have two main responsibilities under the act:
- To produce a 'Publication Scheme' (a guide to the information held by the council which is publicly available to anyone)
- Dealing with individual requests for information.
Additional information and guidance
Guidance can be found by viewing our FOI Policy or visiting the Information Commissioner's Office website. We have appointed an officer to deal with enquiries relating to the FOI Act. If you have any specific questions relating to this legislation, or how to access information please contact our Information Governance Officer.
Last updated: 18/12/2024 8:16