Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Development Plan


Following a successful application in 2011 to be a frontrunner of the Neighbourhood Planning Vanguard scheme, Market Bosworth Parish Council and residents of the parish joined together to prepare the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan (MBNP). The Neighbourhood Area was designated in 2013.

Following a majority vote on Thursday 3 September 2015, the plan was set out and is used to determine planning applications in the neighbourhood area. View the post referendum decision statement (PDF) and the adopted Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF)

Minor review

In 2020 the Market Bosworth Vision Planning Group undertook a review of how well the set-out plan meets the basic conditions and whether it accords with national planning policy and the local plan. It concludes that no updates to the plan are necessary now, other than publishing the housing need assessment of July 2020, which will be an important material consideration in applying the housing policies of the plan. 

The modification document can be viewed below:

The documents associated with the review can be viewed at Market Bosworth Parish Council (

Major review

Market Bosworth Parish Council has now embarked on a major review of the neighbourhood plan.

Since the designation of the previous neighbourhood area, the parish boundary has been amended because of a Community Governance Review in 2015. As part of the neighbourhood plan review, the Parish Council has applied for the designated neighbourhood area to follow the current parish boundary of Market Bosworth.

The documents contained in the application, including the amended neighbourhood area boundary map can be viewed below:

As per the regulations, and due to the fact the new neighbourhood area follows the parish boundary, the old neighbourhood area has been de-designated, and the amended neighbourhood area has been immediately designated as set out in the map above. The withdrawal statement and decision notice can be viewed below:

Last updated: ‎10/10/2023 08:53