Parish and Hinckley community initiative fund

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The parish community initiative fund and Hinckley community initiative fund are grants open to constituted community groups and parish and town councils within the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth to help fund community projects.

A total of £124,000 is available through the parish community initiative fund to support community projects in the parishes of the borough. The minimum total project cost for the scheme is £5,000 and grants cannot exceed 50% of the total project costs. A maximum of £12,000 can be allocated to any one parish area and £10,000 is available through the Hinckley community initiative fund to community groups within the town of Hinckley.

Since 2005, over £1.9 million has been awarded to a total of 465 projects throughout the borough. Projects have included community building improvements, play area improvements, the installation of outdoor gyms, landscaping, habitat creation and community open space improvements.


This grant scheme is now closed. The grant will re open again for applications for funding in 2026 from October this year.

For more information or to register your interest, please contact the Green Spaces team on 01455 255707 or complete the Green Space contact form

Last updated: 04/02/2025 15:39