Climate change - tree planting and nature

About tree planting and nature

Trees take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis, turning the carbon into plant material and returning oxygen to the atmosphere.

Planting trees therefore remains a key tool in reaching net-zero carbon emissions.

As well as locking up carbon, trees improve soil quality and stability, reduce the impacts of flooding, offer shading and absorb excess heat, provide vital habitats for wildlife, improve air quality and provide mental health and wellbeing benefits, ultimately making a community a nicer and safer place to live.

When considering planting trees it is really important to plant the right tree, in the right place, for the right reason. The northern part of our borough takes part in the National Forest project which is a significant step in the right direction.

More information on funding and where, what, and how to plant, can be found at:

Free trees and hedge plants are available from:

Nature and wildlife

Rewilding presents various opportunities for mitigating climate change.

Friends of the Earth ( and Buglife ( recommend five key actions to promote garden pollinators.

  • Grow more flowers, trees and shrubs to provide pollen and nectar
  • Leave areas of your garden to grow wild
  • Cut grass less often to allow plants to flower
  • Don’t disturb insect nests and hibernation spots
  • Think carefully where to use pesticides

There is a large body of evidence on the harmful effects that pesticide use can have on pollinators and other wildlife. Pesticides should only be used where absolutely necessary (for example the control of Japanese Knotweed) and avoid using pesticides on flowering plants or where pollinators are active or nesting.

Plantlife ( have interesting guidance on managing road verges for wildflowers. Roadside verges and roundabouts are often maintained as short grassland. Although this may be necessary for road safety purposes, it is often carried out due to habit and tradition. Reducing the frequency of cutting or creating wildflower meadows can be a simple and effective way to lower management costs and improve environmental outcomes.

Resources for schools:

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Last updated: 29/01/2025 13:07