Greenhouse gas emissions summary report
Background information to the report
This report provides the results of the carbon footprint calculations for Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council which can be used as a benchmark to monitor future emissions. The carbon footprint has been undertaken in accordance with best practise guidance by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and calculated using 2019 conversion factors for the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) published by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The reporting baseline year is nominated as the financial year of 2019/20. The carbon footprint is categorised into scopes, which cover:
- Scope one (direct): emissions are from activities owned or controlled by the Council. Examples of scope one emissions include emissions from combustion in council owned or controlled boilers, furnaces and vehicles
- Scope two (indirect): emissions are associated with purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. These indirect emissions are a consequence of the council’s energy use, but occur at sources that the council do not own or control. Examples include grid supplied electricity and heat provided through a heat network
- Scope three (other indirect): emissions are a consequence of the council’s actions that occur at sources the council do not own or control and are not classed as scope two emissions. Examples of scope three emissions include business travel by means not owned or controlled by the council (grey fleet) and disposing of the council’s own waste and purchased goods in the supply chain
Last updated: 12/01/2024 11:08