Discretionary housing payments
About discretionary housing payments
Discretionary housing payments were introduced on 2 July 2001. The aim of these payments is to provide additional help to people who are already in receipt of housing benefit or council tax support that are in severe hardship. As these payments are discretionary there are no guaranteed payments, each case is considered on its own merits.
Discretionary housing payments are made on top of your benefit entitlement but are not benefit payments.
We decide who is eligible for help through this scheme. There is a limited budget and once this has been exhausted there can be no further help available.
You will need to have considered the following before you make a claim for discretionary housing payments, otherwise your claim may not be considered:
- Have you contacted your landlord to see if more suitable accommodation is available?
- Have you spoken to your landlord to see if you can re-negotiate your rent?
- If you have debt problems, have you looked for help from organisations such as the Citizens Advice Bureau?
- Have you applied for all the benefits from the Department for Works and Pensions that are available to you?
Last updated: 14/06/2023 11:34