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Local Plan 2006 to 2026

What is the Local Plan?

Activities in the community

The Local Plan is the key document which helps us to develop the borough of Hinckley & Bosworth in the right way, over a 20 year period, so that we have the right facilities and infrastructure in place to support the community and to grow the local economy and tourism. It sets out our vision and framework to achieve this development, addressing the needs and opportunities of the area.

The council, as the local planning authority, is responsible for developing local plans, gathering the necessary evidence, and consulting with local communities, businesses and interested parties.

The Local Plan includes policies that cover, for example:

  • New housing, including:
    • How much housing
    • In which locations
    • Whether certain sites should include affordable housing
  • Employment, including:
    • How much is needed
    • For which industries
    • In which locations
  • Transport required to support new developments and existing communities
  • Our parks and green spaces
  • Community facilities, such as halls and community centres
  • Our heritage, listed buildings and conservation areas
  • Health facilities
  • Leisure facilities

Documents which make up the Local Plan

A number of documents, with supporting maps where relevant, make up the current Local Plan: Local Plan 2006 to 2026 - documents and evidence base

Together, they set out detailed policies and specific proposals for guiding development in the borough and guide most day-to-day planning applications. These documents include:

  • The Local Development Scheme (LDS) which is the programme and timetable for preparing the Local Plan
  • Document plan documents (DPDs) which outline the council’s policies for development and carry the most weight for making decisions on planning applications
  • Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) which provide further details to policies in the DPDs, but carry less weight in determining planning applications
  • Evidence base documents which are used to prepare the Local Plan

Further information