View and comment on a planning application
How to comment including our terms
Before making your observations you should take time to view the application documents and plans.
You can comment on a planning application using our planning application search in planning online.
If you comment on an application electronically and provide your email address, any future consultations will be sent via email. For example, reconsultation on plans or in the event of an appeal being lodged.
To comment on a planning application, you need to know its application reference (For example: 22/00001/FUL). Enter the reference into the search box in planning online and select search. You can also search for planning applications via planning online using a combination of property details such as property name, number, postcode and street.
You can also comment using our planning contact form for planning enquiries or by sending your comments in writing to Development Services at the Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0FR. Make sure to state the application number, site address, your name, address and email address.
You have 21 days to make comments from the date we send out our consultation letter relating to a planning application. This date will be published under important dates in planning online
Unfortunately, due to the amount of comments we receive on applications, individual acknowledgements and responses to representations and objections received on applications are not formally acknowledged by officers. They are however taken into consideration and reported as part of the officers report.
If you require further assistance, please contact Development Services on 01455 238141.
Data protection privacy notice
Publicising your comments
By law, all comments received in response to planning applications will form part of the planning application documentation, and must be open for public inspection. Please do not include any personal/sensitive data that you do not wish to be made public, as your comments in full will be made available on request to the applicant or any interested party. Signatures, email addresses and telephone numbers will be removed as a matter of course.
Due to the legal requirement to make comments available for public inspection, we cannot provide anonymity or accept comments marked 'private' or 'confidential'. In such instances, they will be returned; where anonymous they will be destroyed.
Comments that include offensive, racist, discriminatory, threatening and other non-relevant statements will be returned or destroyed as above and will not form part of the application documentation.
If the application is subject to appeal, comments will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.
In the case of a householder, advertisement or minor commercial (shop front development) application, the appeal will proceed by way of a fast-track procedure. Any comments made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.
Plans, drawings and material submitted to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). They must not be distributed, altered or copied without our prior permission.
By using the planning online service you agree to accept all liability and indemnify Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council from any liability in respect of any actions, suits, claims, costs, expenses, damages and demands whatsoever in respect of any documents obtained via this website.
Last updated: 09/02/2024 13:57