Electoral Services is responsible for the preparation and annual publication of the electoral register each year and also maintaining the register during the year.
What is the electoral register?
The electoral register is a list compiled by the Electoral Registration Officer appointed by the council of persons eligible to vote in elections within the borough. The Electoral Registration Officer has a statutory duty to compile it each year.
The revised copy of the register is published on 1 December each year following the annual canvass. If your name is not on the electoral register, you will be unable to exercise your democratic right to vote.
You will need to come into our offices to view the electoral register. You cannot view the register online. Current regulations prohibit us from publishing the register online.
Monthly updates to the electoral register
Find out what happens after you have registered and when you will appear on the electoral register: what happens after you have registered to vote?
Checking whether you are on the register
It is not possible to check whether you are registered on the electoral register online, but if you contact Electoral Services, we will be able to confirm whether or not you are registered.
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Last updated: 05/07/2021 14:45