More opportunities to have your say on the Local Plan
Residents, community groups, local businesses and others with an interest in the area now have even more opportunities to give their views on the Hinckley and Bosworth Draft Local Plan.
More drop-in sessions were added to a consultation which continues until the end of August.
The Local Plan is the key planning document for the borough and it will guide future development in Hinckley and Bosworth up to 2039. The draft plan sets out a preferred strategy for housing and economic growth, and includes a number of planning policies covering a range of issues such as conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, sustainable transport, good design and responding to the challenges of climate change. The policies will be used to guide development and respond to economic, environmental and social issues within the borough.
A series of drop-in events, where planning officers will be present to answer questions, discuss views, and provide advice on how to submit comments have been taking place in venues throughout the borough since late June. The sessions have proved to be so popular with the public that more drop-in sessions have been organised this month in Hinckley and Barwell to which everyone is very welcome to attend:
- Thursday 5 August 2021, 11am to 3pm - Snapdragon Festival, Argents Mead, Hinckley, LE10 1FL
- Monday 9 August 2021, 2pm to 7pm – CHANGE OF VENUE – Groby Village Hall, Leicester Road, Groby, LE6 0DQ. Please note this replaces the previously advertised session at Markfield Community & Sports Centre on this date.
- Wednesday 11 August 2021, 2pm to 7pm - Newbold Verdon Sports Pavilion, Alans Way, Newbold Verdon, LE9 9LB
- NEW DATE - Monday 16 August 2021, 4pm to 7pm – Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, LE10 0FR
- NEW DATE - Wednesday 18 August 2021, 2pm to 7pm – George Ward Centre, Church Lane, Barwell, LE9 8DG
Councillor David Bill, Executive Member for Planning at the Borough Council said:
The Local Plan sits at the heart of the planning system and provides the framework against which all planning decisions are considered. This consultation is an important stage in moving the Local Plan forward and is a chance for residents and communities to have their say on the future of the borough.
As well as being available to view and download on the website, printed copies of the document will be located at libraries within the borough and at the Hinckley Hub.
Further details on the consultation, an online questionnaire and the latest plans for drop-in events can be found online.
The consultation will run for eight weeks and ends on 27 August.
- More articles in the news archive