Evidence base and supporting studies
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Evidence base documents contain a range of information that has been gathered to prepare the Local Plan.
We list our evidence base documents below.
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- Affordable Housing SPD
- Agricultural Land Study 2020
This study reviews the agricultural quality of land across the borough. - Approach to Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Paper 2024
- Areas of Separation Review 2012
An ‘area of separation’ is to retain the physical separation between settlements and/or other development areas. The Areas of Separation Review 2012 examines the six areas of separation in the Hinckley & Bosworth Local Plan 2001, and the seven areas of separation that were proposed through consultations with members of the public and borough and parish councillors. - Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)
The AMR provides information on the delivery of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) and the extent to which policies in Local Plan 2006 to 2026 documents are being achieved during the period 1 April to 31 March each year. - Bosworth Battlefield Conservation Plan
This document sets out a plan for the conservation of the historically significant battlefield area, whilst at the same time respecting the living landscape, the business needs of landowners and stakeholders, the tourism interest, and the planning policy and other statutory requirements. The plan also identifies the significance of Bosworth Battlefield to aid in the determination of planning application. - Brownfield Register
The Brownfield Land Register is a list of previously developed sites that may be suitable for residential development or are already under construction for residential development. - Burbage Village Design Statement 2006
- Community, Cultural and Tourism Facilities Review 2013
The Community, Cultural and Tourism Facilities Review provides an up-to-date and relevant evidence base about the community, and how culture and tourism is provided within the urban and rural areas of the borough. - District, Local and Neighbourhood Centre Review 2015
The District, Local and Neighbourhood Centre Review is a document that identifies how local shopping is provided within the borough. - Earl Shilton and Barwell Strategic Urban Extensions Infrastructure Study 2023
- Employment Land and Premises Review 2020
The Employment Land and Premises Review assesses the supply, need and demand for employment land and premises (the B use classes) in Hinckley and Bosworth. - Employment Land Review 2024
- Economic Regeneration Strategy 2021-2025
Sets out the vision and aims for ensuring the borough as a whole prospers from economic development. A detailed action plan aligning to the strategy’s key objectives is in place. - Hinckley Town Centre Public Realm Strategy Masterplan 2021
The public realm is shared spaces such as streets and parks, and these play an important role in ensuring a town centre has a positive and thriving environment. This document sets clear ambitions for improvements to the public realm within the town centre of Hinckley. Exciting individual projects are identified within the document with funding sources for their delivery suggested. These projects will be developed further by council officers and other stakeholders, including public consultation, before their delivery. - Hinckley Town Centre Wayfinding Strategy 2022
The Wayfinding Strategy seeks to improve the experiential quality of being in and moving through Hinckley Town Centre. It will help residents, visitors and shoppers feel safe, comfortable and confident in knowing where they are and being able to efficiently identify and then get to their chosen destination. - Infrastructure Capacity Study Phase 1 2020
The Infrastructure Capacity Study Phase 1 Baseline Capacity Assessment provides the baseline context for existing infrastructure capacity. - The Good Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document 2020
The Good Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) aspires to substantially raise design quality in the borough of Hinckley and Bosworth whilst ensuring that the local identity and heritage of the borough is enhanced by providing a guide for all those involved in the planning process. - Green Infrastructure Strategy 2020
The Green Infrastructure Strategy looks at the network of green spaces, pathways, bridleways and wildlife corridors, how they link our towns and villages and how we can improve these connections for the benefit of wildlife and recreation. - Green Wedge Review 2020
A green wedge is the open area around and between parts of settlements, which maintain the distinction between the countryside and built-up areas, prevent the merging of adjacent places and can also provide recreational opportunities. The Green Wedge Review assesses the two existing green wedges within the borough known as Rothley Brook Meadow Green Wedge and Hinckley/Barwell/Earl Shilton/Burbage Green Wedge. - Green Wedge Allocations Topic Paper 2012
The Green Wedge Allocations Topic Paper assesses areas which were put forward through various means to establish if they could warrant green wedge status and identifies whether they should be designated as a green wedge. - Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Study 2016
The primary objective for the 2016 assessment is to provide a robust evaluation of current and future needs for gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation in Hinckley & Bosworth. - Habitat Survey
An extended phase 1 habitat survey has been completed to identify the significance and value of habitats and areas of biodiversity interest within the identified sites. - Heritage Strategy
The document provides an overarching strategy to guide conservation and heritage activities within the borough over the period 2018 to 2023. - Hinckley & Bosworth Town and District Centres Study 2017
The Town and District Centres Study 2017 provides a clear strategy for its network of town and district centres to ensure that they remain attractive, vibrant centres over the course of the plan period. - Hinckley Town Centre Strategic Development Transport Contributions SPD
- Housing and Economic Development Need Assessment (HEDNA)
A study that seeks to identify the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036. In terms of housing, the HEDNA identifies the overall amount of housing and the type, tenure and size requirements. In terms of employment land, it seeks to identify the future quantity and type of employment land needed and gaps in the current supply. - Housing Needs Study November 2019
Now superseded Housing Needs Study which set out previous evidence on the type, size and tenure of housing needed in the borough to 2036, including the need for affordable housing. - Housing Needs Study 2024
This Housing Needs Study sets out the latest evidence on housing needs in the borough. - Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply (Monitoring and land availability)
An annual housing trajectory details past housing performance and projects future housing performance over the course of the plan period (2006 to 2026). - Infrastructure Capacity Study 2024
- Internal Space Standards Report 2021
An assessment on internal space standards in residential properties in Hinckley & Bosworth, to provide evidence on need to support the introduction of the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS) in the Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan. - Land South of Station Road, Market Bosworth Consultation Masterplan SPD 2021
The Land South of Station Road, Market Bosworth is an allocated mixed use development site, this is the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) supporting that development. - Landscape Character Assessment 2017
Landscape Character Assessment is a process by which to define what makes one area of landscape distinct or different from another. The character areas cover the whole borough including rural (landscape) character areas and settlements (urban) character areas. - Landscape Sensitivity Study 2017
The Landscape Sensitivity Study 2017 is a supplementary document to the Landscape Character Assessment, and identifies key sensitivities in each assessment area, and how to achieve best integration of built development in each area. - Local Development Scheme
The programme and timescales for preparing our local plan are set out in The Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS explains how the documents that form the local plan fit together and the key stages for their preparation and management. - Market Bosworth Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Guidance on the delivery of the allocated housing and employment site within the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council Local Plan 2006 to 2026 (SA5 and MKBOS02) and the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan (2015). - Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs)
A neighbourhood plan is a new way of enabling local communities to determine the future of the area they live and work in. It is the opportunity for local communities to take planning into their own hands for their local area. Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council has many groups working towards a neighbourhood plan. - Open Space and Recreational Facilities Study 2016
In 2016 an Open Space Sports and Recreational Facilities Study was prepared to update the 2011 study. The updated Open Space Sports and Recreational Facilities Study assesses open spaces within the borough by parish and includes an assessment of quality, quantity and accessibility. The document also outlines how the document should be used by Development Management when determining planning applications and planning policy recommendations. - Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) 2019
An assessment of the provision and quality of existing playing pitch facilities in the borough - across the sports of hockey, football, rugby, tennis, bowls and golf (some of which are beyond the normal scope of playing pitch strategy) - Ratby Village Design Statement 2011
- Renewable Energy Capacity Study 2014
The Renewable Energy Capacity Study examines the potential for the deployment of renewable energy and low carbon technologies within the borough. - Residential and Employment Land Availability Monitoring Statement
The Residential and Employment Land Availability statements seek to identify the housing and employment land supply in the borough including allocations, commitments and take-up. - Retail Capacity Study 2007
The Retail Capacity Study 2007 provides an evidence base on the capacity for additional retail development (and, to a lesser extent, commercial leisure as well as office sector uses) in forthcoming years. - Rural Housing Numbers Methodology Statement 2021
- Rural Needs SPD 2011
- Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register
This act places a duty on local authorities to keep a register of individuals and associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward self-build and custom house-building projects, to enable us to incorporate the need for such plots into the Local Plan process. - Settlement Hierarchy Review 2021
- Shopping & Shop Fronts SPD 2007
- Spatial Options for Housing Strategy Report 2024
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 2019
The SFRA considers all sources and the extent of flooding across the borough of Hinckley & Bosworth. - Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)
The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment is an assessment of potential development sites across the borough, submitted through the Call for Sites. The study is produced to support the delivery of sufficient land and potential development sites in suitable locations. - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping 2017 and 2020
An appraisal of the economic, environmental and social effects of the Local Plan from the outset of the preparation process, to allow decisions to be made that accord with sustainable development. - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) past consultations
Development plans such as Hinckley & Bosworth Borough’s emerging Local Plan are subject to a process called sustainability appraisal. The sustainability appraisal assesses the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the plan’s proposals. This link takes you to four documents relating to the Sustainability Appraisal. - Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping 2024
Last updated: 20/12/2024 10:16